
D2C Strategy & Concepts

In today’s digital era, manufacturers are seizing the opportunity to establish direct connections with consumers. Our service helps them navigate this landscape, understand D2C advantages, and address challenges.

Ready to tap into the potential of D2C?

Partner with us for tailored strategies and actionable solutions.




Direct-to-customer options for manufacturers

We have arrived at the age of the manufacturer. The internet, smartphones, and Amazon in particular have shifted the balance of power. Away from traditional retail and towards the end customer and their needs. Manufacturers need to find the right way to establish direct contact with customers and develop an independent sales channel concept. Direct-to-consumer (D2C) is so much more than just an online store. This is just one option out of many. New opportunities are emerging every day alongside marketplaces and social commerce. Manufacturers have many options for action, which are associated with different potentials, expenses, and risks depending on the industry and products.

Advantages of direct-to-consumer sales

The main motivation for a D2C channel should not just be the additional sales channel, but the direct access to the end customer. Nowhere else can you get faster and more authentic feedback on the brand, products, and customer service.  In the medium term, the D2C approach naturally provides valuable new customers and, above all, lots of customer data. This should be used efficiently for marketing campaigns for long-term customer loyalty. Those who have embraced the digitalization-now have an unimagined number of new sales opportunities at their disposal. Platforms can be used as new sales channels and open up new markets and target groups. Direct sales to end customers is an incredible opportunity for manufacturers that should not be missed. For manufacturers, this is the first opportunity to make direct contact with customers, gain much deeper insights into customer needs and interests, and build a customer relationship. But the path to this is a rocky one. The end customer is a completely unknown entity for manufacturers, who exhibit a completely different purchasing behavior than manufacturers are used to from their retailers. For example, end customers buy individual products instead of pallets and they return products. The return of individual items is often a completely new process for manufacturers. In addition, end customers want their needs to be filled in real-time and expect customer service channels to be available 24hrs.

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